UPRAK 2021/2022: Cara Membuat Kartu Ucapan Natal

UPRAK Prakarya Membuat Kartu Ucapan Natal Oleh: Benedictus Maverick 9A-3

Calisthenics vs Weights (Which is better?)

Helpful tips to start with your workout program

Perbedaan Simplified Chinese dan Traditional Chinese

Cara membedakan antara Simplified dan Traditional Chinese

The Philosophy of Flow

How to stay calm on hard situations

World Trigger, Anime Underrated?

Mengapa World Trigger jarang diketahui

Friday, September 24, 2021

Kokomi In-depth Guide (Part 1)

Kokomi In-depth Guide (Part 1)


The young Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island and a descendant of the Sangonomiya Clan. Kokomi is in charge of most Watatsumi's affairs, shouldering heavy responsibilities alone in hopes for giving Watatsumi Island's people the hope and happiness that they desire. 

Part 1 will explain to you the basic materials needed to level up Kokomi. On the Part 2, we will discuss the right build for her as a DPS/Sub-DPS/Support. Stay tune!

Ascension Materials

Sangonomiya Kokomi | Honey Impact - Genshin Impact DB and Tools (honeyhunterworld.com) Click the link for further information on the Ascension Materials.

How to find Sango Pearls

How to find Dew of Repudiation


To unlock Dew of Repudiation, you first need to fight Hydro Hypostasis. You can find Hydro Hypostatis after you unlock the Watatsumi Island. Click this to learn more about Hydro Hypostasis

How to find Spectral Husk and other Spectral items

To find Spectral Husk and the other Spectral Items, you need to defeat the Specters. You can craft 1x Spectral Heart with 3x Spectral Husks and 1x Spectral Nucleus with 3x Spectral Hearts.
Seirai Island 

Watatsumi Island

Kokomi's Talents

Normal Attack: The Shape of Water

Normal Attack
Performs up to 3 consecutive attacks that take the form of swimming fish, dealing Hydro DMG.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to deal AoE (Area of Effect) Hydro DMG after a short casting time.

Plunging Attack
Kokomi plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Hydro DMG upon impact with the ground.

Kurage's Oath

Summons a "bake-kurage" created from water that can heal her allies.
using this skill will apply the "Wet" status to Sangonomiya Kokomi.

Deals Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents and heal nearby active characters at fixed intervals. This healing is based on Kokomi's Max Hp.

*Kokomi needs timely "refreshment" in order to maintain optima work efficiency.

Nereid's Ascension

Ceremonial Garment
  • Sangonomiya Kokomi's Normal Attack, Charged Attack and Bake-Kurage DMG are increased based on her Max HP.
  • When her Normal and Charged Attacks hit opponents, Kokomi will restore HP for all nearby party members, and the amount restored is based on her Max HP.
  • Increases Sangonomiya Kokomi's resistance to interruption and allows her to move on the water's surface.
These effects will be cleared once Sangonomiya Kokomi leaves the field.

Talent Materials

How to get the Book of Transience 

In order to get the Teaching of Transience, Guide to Transience, and lastly the Philosophies of Transience, you need to clear the Violet Court domain during Monday/Thursday/Saturday.

Violet Court location

How to get Hellfire Butterfly

To get the Hellfire Butterfly, you can get through clearing the Level 70+ Narukami Island: Tenshukaku. (Resets every week)

Tenshukaku Location

Kokomi's Passives

Tamanooya's Casket

If Sangonomiya Kokomi's own Bake-Kurage are on the field when she uses Nereid's Ascension, the Bake-Kurage duration will be refreshed.

Song of Pearls

While donning the Ceremonial Garment created by Nereid's Ascension, the Normal and Charged Attack DMG Bonus Sangonomiya Kokomi gains based on her Max HP will receive a further increase based on 15% of her Healing Bonus.

Princess of Watatsumi

Decreases swimming Stamina consumption for your own party members by 20%.
Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.

Flawless Strategy

Sangonomiya Kokomi has a 25% Healing Bonus, but a 100% decrease in Crit Rate.

References used:

All credits to miHoYo Co., Ltd. This post was made for educational purpose and it's non-profitable.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

World Trigger, Anime Underrated?

 World Trigger, Anime Underrated?


"Ketika sebuah Gate menuju ke dunia lain terbuka di bumi, kota Mikado diserang oleh mahluk aneh yang dikenal sebagai "Neighbors", mahluk keji yang tahan terhadap senjata tradisional. Sebagai tanggapan terhadap kedatangan mereka, sebuah organisasi yang dinamakan Border Defense Agency telah dibangun untuk melawan ancaman Neighbor menggunakan senjata spesial yang disebut "Triggers". Meskipun beberapa tahun berlalu ketika Gate pertama terbuka, Neighbor masih menjadi ancaman dan anggota Border tetap siaga untuk memastikan keamanan planet mereka."

Mengapa World Trigger Tidak Populer

Satu alasan mengapa World Trigger tidak begitu dikenal oleh fans shonen adalah hiatus selama dua tahun. Manga World Trigger melakukan debutnya di Weekly Shonen Jump di Februari 2013 dan mendapatkan adaptasi anime di Oktober 2014. Namun, pencipta World Trigger Daisuke Ashihara menderita kondisi tulang belakang kronis yang disebut cervical spondylosis, dan seri ini hiatus secara mendadak di November 2016 akibat dari masalah kesehatan pencipta. Adaptasi animenya juga terpaksa dihentikan karena masalah tersebut. Seri ini akhirnya kemblai lagi di Shonen Jump di Oktober 2018 dan berpindah ke Jump Square di Desember pada tahun yang sama. 

Hiatus karena masalah kesehatan merupakan peristiwa yang cukup umum di perindustrian manga, seperti D.Gray-man ciptaan Katsura Hoshino dan Hunter x Hunter ciptaan Yoshihiro Togashi. Di sisi lain, World Trigger baru saja menerima kepopuleran sebelum hiatus dan tidak kembali dengan antisipasi yang sama dengan seri yang lain. Sayangnya, seri ini pergi hiatus di saat sedang mulai menjadi bagus.

Dengan tambahan penundaan manga, adaptasi anime World Trigger juga tidak diterima dengan baik seperti adaptasi anime Shonen Jump. Dari sudut pandang animasi, anime ini tidak bagus, banyak adegan pertarungan yang hanya gambar diam dan karakter tambahan digambar awut-awutan. Pacing anime World Trigger yang lamban dan kekurangan keseruan, mendapat banyak review kasar dan gagal untuk membangun audiensi yang besar.