UPRAK 2021/2022: Cara Membuat Kartu Ucapan Natal

UPRAK Prakarya Membuat Kartu Ucapan Natal Oleh: Benedictus Maverick 9A-3

Calisthenics vs Weights (Which is better?)

Helpful tips to start with your workout program

Perbedaan Simplified Chinese dan Traditional Chinese

Cara membedakan antara Simplified dan Traditional Chinese

The Philosophy of Flow

How to stay calm on hard situations

World Trigger, Anime Underrated?

Mengapa World Trigger jarang diketahui

Monday, December 6, 2021

UPRAK 2021/2022: Cara Membuat Kartu Ucapan Natal

UPRAK 2021/2022: Cara Membuat Kartu Ucapan Natal

Oleh: Benedictus Maverick Manuel MJ 9A-3

Apa itu kartu ucapan?

Kartu ucapan secara konvensional berupa selembar kartu dalam berbagai macam ukuran, dibuat dari kertas tebal atau karton dan memiliki gambar sesuai tema kartu. Kartu biasanya dilipat dua dengan bagian dalam berisi ucapan selamat atau pesan yang ditujukan kepada penerima.

Kartu ucapan biasanya dikirimkan atau diberikan pada kesempatan khusus, seperti hari ulang tahun, Idul Fitri, pernikahan, Natal, dan Hari Valentine. Kartu ucapan juga sering digunakan untuk menulis pesan bernada humor, persahabatan, cinta, simpati, atau sekadar mengucapkan terima kasih. Karangan bunga, parsel, atau kado juga sering disertai selembar kartu ucapan.

Cara membuat kartu ucapan Natal

Beberapa hal yang harus dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu sebelum membuat kartu ucapan yaitu:
1. Software photo editing, seperti: Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, dan lain sebagainya
2. Software vector graphics editing, seperti: CorelDRAW atau Adobe Illustrator
3. Berbagai gambar vector sebagai komponen untuk membuat kartu ucapan. Saya rekomendasi website https://www.freepik.com/ untuk download gambar vector


1. Buatlah lembar kerja dengan ukuran 1890 x 1417 pixel dengan resolusi 300 ppi. Centang kotak "Artboards".

2. Setelah membuat lembar kerja, klik layer Artboard 1, kemudian klik "Artboard Tool" seperti pada gambar berikut.

3. Akan muncul tomboh tanda "+" di tiap sisi. Klik tombol tersebut pada bagian kiri atau kanan (satu kali saja). Akan muncul 1 Artboard tambahan yang diberi nama "Artboard 2". Atur ukuran tiap artboard menjadi 1131 x 1417 pixel. Tampilan akan menjadi seperti gambar berikut.

4. Buatlah 1 layer di "Artboard 2". Kemudian klik Layer 1 di tiap Artboard dan "Create New Fill or Adjusment Layer", bisa ditemukan di bagian pojok kanan bawah. Pilih "Gradient", pilih warna yang sesuai dengan tema Natal, bisa hijau, merah, ataupun biru.

5. Tambahkan ornamen Natal seperti pada gambar berikut. Gambar ornamen tersebut merupakan file .PNG yang sudah diedit melalui software Adobe Illustrator. Ubahlah Opacity dari gambar ornamen menjadi 3%-7%.

6. Tambahkan teks sebagai ucapan selamat. Tambahkan pula hiasan-hiasan natal seperti pada gambar berikut. Gambar hiasan tersebut bisa diatur warnanya untuk menyesuaikan dengan background. Dilakukan dengan cara: Layer Style - Curves.

7. Warna background dapat diatur kembali agar mendapatkan hasil yang lebih bagus. Dapat dialkukan dengan cara: Layer Style - Curves. Tambahkan pula berbagai macam hiasan untuk memenuhi bagian yang kosong. Cantumkan pula nama pengirim dan penerima di bagian pojok kanan atas dan pojok kiri bawah.

8. Lakukan langkah yang sama seperti sebelumnya pada "Artboard 2". Untuk bagian Artboard 2, buatlah teks sebagai ucapan doa dan permohonan kepada penerima.

9. Jika sudah selesai membuat, klik File - Export As PNG - Simpan di folder pilihan - OK. 

Kartu ucapan sudah siap untuk dikirim ke penerima :) Semoga tutorial ini bermanfaat bagi teman-teman terkasih, Spirit of Mary dan terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke artikel ini.

Hasil Karya

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Cara Install Kali Linux dengan VMware

 Cara Install Kali Linux dengan VMware

Untuk login ke Kali OS,
Username : kali
Password : kali

Sesuaikan setting VM dengan spesifikasi komputer kalian agar proses software tidak terlalu berat untuk komputer. Setidaknya komputer memiliki 4 GB RAM dan 6-8 Logical Processors untuk menjalani Kali OS dengan VMware agar lancar.

Song : 

KIVΛ & Nikki Simmons - Perspectives

Virtual Machine

Virtual Machine yang biasa disingkat VM, tidak jauh berbeda dari komputer seperti laptop, smart phone, atau server. VM memiliki CPU, memory, disk untuk menyimpan file, dan bersambung ke internet. Komputer menggunakan hardware sebagai komponen penyusunnya, maka VM merupakan komputer virtual di dalam komputer, yang terbentuk dari kode.


Bagaimana Virtual Machine Bekerja?

Virtualisasi adalah sebuah proses pembentukan komputer berbasis software atau komputer "virtual", dengan meminjam tenaga CPU, memory, dan storage dari host komputer. Virtual Machine merupakan file komputer, yang biasa disebut Image, yang bekerja seperti selayaknya komputer. VM bisa berjalan di sebuah windows sebagai tempat computing yang terpisah, yang sering digunakan untuk menjalani sebuah operating system. VM terpisah dari seluruh sistem komputer, yang artinya software di dalam VM tidak bisa berinteraksi dengan operating system host komputer. 

Apa Fungsi Virtual Machine?

  • Mencoba OS terbaru, seperti beta release.
  • Membuat tempat baru bagi para developer untuk menjalani dev-test dengan cepat
  • Mencadangkan OS. 
  • Mengakses software virus atau software lama dengan menginstall OS versi lama.
  • Menjalankan software di OS yang seharusnya tidak dimaksud untuk dijalankan.

Kali Linux

Kali Linux memiliki sekitar 600 program penetration-testing, termasuk Armitage (graphical cyber attack management tool), Nmap (port scanner), Wireshark(packet analyzer), metasploit(penetration testing framework), John the Ripper(pemecah password), sqlmap (automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool), Aircrack-ng(software suite for penetration-testing wireless LANs), dan masih banyak lagi.
Kali Linux diciptakan oleh Mati Aharoni dan Devon Kearns dari Offensive Security dengan modifikasi BackTrack, yang merupakan distribusi Linux untuk test keamanan informasi yang berbasis Knoppix. 
System requirements untuk Kali Linux:
  • A minimum of 20GB hard disk space for installation depending on the version, Version 2020.2 requires at least 20GB.
  • A minimum of 2GB RAM for i386 and AMD64 architectures.
  • A bootable CD-DVD drive or a USB stick.
  • A minimum of an Intel Core i3 or an AMD E1 processor for good performance.
The recommended hardware specification for a smooth experience are:
  • 50 GB of hard disk space, SSD preferred
  • At least 2048 MB of RAM

Monday, November 1, 2021

Apresiasi Lomba Dance

 Apresiasi Lomba Dance

Konsep menarik. Kombinasi tarian daerah dan tari modern memberikan kesan yang unik. Koreografi dari tarian tersebut tersusun sangat bagus. Pilihan musik sedikit kurang pas pada bagian tari daerah. Editing sedikit terlalu banyak, sehingga cukup membingungkan untuk dilihat. Camerawork kurang bagus, karena terdapat bagian yang blur dan juga bagian yang sedikit goyang. 
Overall, tarian bagus sekali, hanya terdapat kekurangan teknis yang bisa dikembangkan lagi.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Kokomi In-depth Guide (Part 2)

 Kokomi In-depth Guide (Part 2)

Hello Comrades! In this guide, we will discuss what is the best build for Kokomi depending on your team comp and your personal preferences. You can leave suggestions on the comment section below. Thanks ;)

Artifacts & Weapons

For Support

Artifact options: 
1. 4 piece of Tenacity of the Millelith ( 20% HP + 20% ATK increase and 30% Shield Strength increase to nearby party members for 3 second after elemental skill hits an opponent ).

2. 2 piece Tenacity of the Millelith + 2 piece Maiden Beloved ( 20% HP + 15% Healing Effectiveness ) 

3. 4 piece Maiden Beloved ( 15% Healing Effectiveness + After using an Elemental Skill or Burst, increases incoming healing by 20% to all party members )

Weapon options:
1. Everlasting Moonglow. The best pick for Kokomi since it's her signature weapon. Gives you tons of HP% and also gives you healing bonus for it's passive.

2. Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayer. A good weapon which gives you HP% substat, and also buffing your team attacks. This 3-star weapon runs with Kokomi as an atk buffer really well.

3. Prototype Amber. Top tier F2P weapon for Kokomi. Not only it gives you HP% substat, it also has a nice passive to boost your healing. This weapon is really good if you build Kokomi as a healer.

4. Favonius Codex. Decent weapon for Kokomi. It gives you Energy Recharge% substat for 100% burst uptime. You can use this weapon if you run Kokomi as HP% bot.

5. Hakushin Ring. Similar to Favonius Codex, gives you Energy Recharge%. It's a good weapon if you run an Electro-charged team.

Artifact stats:
For support, you want to run HP% on Sands of Eon, HP% on Goblet of Eonothem, and Healing Bonus% on Circlet of Logos.

You can also use Energy Recharge% on Sands of Eon if you run an HP% weapon such as Prototype Amber or TToDS.

For Main DPS/Sub-DPS:

Artifact options:
1. 4 piece Heart of Depths ( 15% Hydro DMG Bonus + 30% increase on Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG after you cast an Elemental Skill )

2. 2 piece Heart of Depths + 2 Tenacity of the Millelith ( 15% Hydro DMG Bonus + 20% HP, since Kokomi's damage scales on her HP% ) 

Weapon options:
1. Everlasting Moonglow. Not only it gives you tons of healing, but also gives your Kokomi more damage output.

2. Skyward Atlas. Kokomi doesn't scale on HP% only, so having an ATK% substat is really good especially if you run her as Main DPS. Not only that, Skyward Atlas also gives you 12% Elemental DMG Bonus.

3. Prototype Amber. While this weapon is good for support, it's also a good weapon for Main DPS Kokomi, especially for F2Ps. 

Artifact stats:
For DPS build, you want to run HP% on Sands of Eon, Hydro DMG Bonus% on Goblet of Eonothem, Healing Bonus% on Circlet of Logos.

Now you might be wondering, why would I use Healing Bonus% on DPS Kokomi? The answer is her passive talent. She gets further damage bonus based on 15% of her Healing Bonus%. 

Recommended Team Comp

Electro-charged Team:
Raiden Shogun/Beidou/Fischl + Sangonomiya Kokomi + Xingqiu/Mona + Kazuha/Venti/Sucrose/Anemo Traveler

Vaporize Team:
Hu Tao/Diluc/Xiangling + Sangonomiya Kokomi + Bennet + Kazuha/Venti/Anemo Traveler 

Freeze Comp:
Ganyu + Sangonomiya Kokomi + Rosaria/Chongyun + Sucrose/Venti/Kazuha/Anemo Traveler

references used:

SMPK Santa Maria II Malang Buka PPDB 2022-2023

SMPK Santa Maria II Malang Buka PPDB 2022-2023

Pendaftaran Peserta Didik Baru tahun 2022-2023 telah dibuka oleh SMPK Santa Maria II Malang.

Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan pada link tersebut:

Berikut adalah informasi mengenai PPDB tahun 2022-2023:

Yuk, bergabung bersama kami!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Kokomi In-depth Guide (Part 1)

Kokomi In-depth Guide (Part 1)


The young Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island and a descendant of the Sangonomiya Clan. Kokomi is in charge of most Watatsumi's affairs, shouldering heavy responsibilities alone in hopes for giving Watatsumi Island's people the hope and happiness that they desire. 

Part 1 will explain to you the basic materials needed to level up Kokomi. On the Part 2, we will discuss the right build for her as a DPS/Sub-DPS/Support. Stay tune!

Ascension Materials

Sangonomiya Kokomi | Honey Impact - Genshin Impact DB and Tools (honeyhunterworld.com) Click the link for further information on the Ascension Materials.

How to find Sango Pearls

How to find Dew of Repudiation


To unlock Dew of Repudiation, you first need to fight Hydro Hypostasis. You can find Hydro Hypostatis after you unlock the Watatsumi Island. Click this to learn more about Hydro Hypostasis

How to find Spectral Husk and other Spectral items

To find Spectral Husk and the other Spectral Items, you need to defeat the Specters. You can craft 1x Spectral Heart with 3x Spectral Husks and 1x Spectral Nucleus with 3x Spectral Hearts.
Seirai Island 

Watatsumi Island

Kokomi's Talents

Normal Attack: The Shape of Water

Normal Attack
Performs up to 3 consecutive attacks that take the form of swimming fish, dealing Hydro DMG.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to deal AoE (Area of Effect) Hydro DMG after a short casting time.

Plunging Attack
Kokomi plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Hydro DMG upon impact with the ground.

Kurage's Oath

Summons a "bake-kurage" created from water that can heal her allies.
using this skill will apply the "Wet" status to Sangonomiya Kokomi.

Deals Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents and heal nearby active characters at fixed intervals. This healing is based on Kokomi's Max Hp.

*Kokomi needs timely "refreshment" in order to maintain optima work efficiency.

Nereid's Ascension

Ceremonial Garment
  • Sangonomiya Kokomi's Normal Attack, Charged Attack and Bake-Kurage DMG are increased based on her Max HP.
  • When her Normal and Charged Attacks hit opponents, Kokomi will restore HP for all nearby party members, and the amount restored is based on her Max HP.
  • Increases Sangonomiya Kokomi's resistance to interruption and allows her to move on the water's surface.
These effects will be cleared once Sangonomiya Kokomi leaves the field.

Talent Materials

How to get the Book of Transience 

In order to get the Teaching of Transience, Guide to Transience, and lastly the Philosophies of Transience, you need to clear the Violet Court domain during Monday/Thursday/Saturday.

Violet Court location

How to get Hellfire Butterfly

To get the Hellfire Butterfly, you can get through clearing the Level 70+ Narukami Island: Tenshukaku. (Resets every week)

Tenshukaku Location

Kokomi's Passives

Tamanooya's Casket

If Sangonomiya Kokomi's own Bake-Kurage are on the field when she uses Nereid's Ascension, the Bake-Kurage duration will be refreshed.

Song of Pearls

While donning the Ceremonial Garment created by Nereid's Ascension, the Normal and Charged Attack DMG Bonus Sangonomiya Kokomi gains based on her Max HP will receive a further increase based on 15% of her Healing Bonus.

Princess of Watatsumi

Decreases swimming Stamina consumption for your own party members by 20%.
Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.

Flawless Strategy

Sangonomiya Kokomi has a 25% Healing Bonus, but a 100% decrease in Crit Rate.

References used:

All credits to miHoYo Co., Ltd. This post was made for educational purpose and it's non-profitable.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

World Trigger, Anime Underrated?

 World Trigger, Anime Underrated?


"Ketika sebuah Gate menuju ke dunia lain terbuka di bumi, kota Mikado diserang oleh mahluk aneh yang dikenal sebagai "Neighbors", mahluk keji yang tahan terhadap senjata tradisional. Sebagai tanggapan terhadap kedatangan mereka, sebuah organisasi yang dinamakan Border Defense Agency telah dibangun untuk melawan ancaman Neighbor menggunakan senjata spesial yang disebut "Triggers". Meskipun beberapa tahun berlalu ketika Gate pertama terbuka, Neighbor masih menjadi ancaman dan anggota Border tetap siaga untuk memastikan keamanan planet mereka."

Mengapa World Trigger Tidak Populer

Satu alasan mengapa World Trigger tidak begitu dikenal oleh fans shonen adalah hiatus selama dua tahun. Manga World Trigger melakukan debutnya di Weekly Shonen Jump di Februari 2013 dan mendapatkan adaptasi anime di Oktober 2014. Namun, pencipta World Trigger Daisuke Ashihara menderita kondisi tulang belakang kronis yang disebut cervical spondylosis, dan seri ini hiatus secara mendadak di November 2016 akibat dari masalah kesehatan pencipta. Adaptasi animenya juga terpaksa dihentikan karena masalah tersebut. Seri ini akhirnya kemblai lagi di Shonen Jump di Oktober 2018 dan berpindah ke Jump Square di Desember pada tahun yang sama. 

Hiatus karena masalah kesehatan merupakan peristiwa yang cukup umum di perindustrian manga, seperti D.Gray-man ciptaan Katsura Hoshino dan Hunter x Hunter ciptaan Yoshihiro Togashi. Di sisi lain, World Trigger baru saja menerima kepopuleran sebelum hiatus dan tidak kembali dengan antisipasi yang sama dengan seri yang lain. Sayangnya, seri ini pergi hiatus di saat sedang mulai menjadi bagus.

Dengan tambahan penundaan manga, adaptasi anime World Trigger juga tidak diterima dengan baik seperti adaptasi anime Shonen Jump. Dari sudut pandang animasi, anime ini tidak bagus, banyak adegan pertarungan yang hanya gambar diam dan karakter tambahan digambar awut-awutan. Pacing anime World Trigger yang lamban dan kekurangan keseruan, mendapat banyak review kasar dan gagal untuk membangun audiensi yang besar.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Philosophy of Flow

 The Philosophy of Flow

"That which offers no resistance, overcomes the hardest substances. That which offers no resistance can enter where there is no space. Few in the world can comprehend the teaching without words, or understand the value of non-action."- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 43.


Tao Te Ching, was created by Lao Tzu, which is the main work of Taoism. A well-known concept that has emerged from Taoist philosophy is Wu Wei, that can be translated as "non-action, "effortless action", or the paradoxical "action of non-action.

In a practical sense, we can describe Wu Wei as the state of flow, often referred to as "The Zone". 

Now, what is "The Zone"?

The state when we engage in action without striving, and move through time and space almost effortlessly. There are no extremes, no worries, no ruminations, everything seems to flow in a natural course. 

Back to Taoism

The essence of Taoist philosophy is living in harmony with the "Tao", also called the "Way". What is the "Tao"? We don't really know what it is, and it's futile to try asking about it. Our understanding of the Tao only goes as far as the limitations of our perception. What the "Tao" really is and what it looks, still remains a mystery. 

Moreover, the Tao we speak of isn't the real Tao, according to Lao Tzu. Hence, the famous opening of Tao Te Ching goes like this:
"The Tao that can be described is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be spoken is not the eternal Name"- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 1.

How do We Live with the "Way"?

Taoist literature doesn't give one practical method to achieve this. However, we can find many clues that point to achieving stillness of mind, curbing the senses, being humble, and the cessation of striving, in order to open up ourselves up to the workings of the universe.

The Taoists observe that stillness of mind can be combined with action, and if we are completely in the present moment, our actions will go effortlessly, without friction and accompanied by razor sharp focus.

"It was almost as if we were playing in slow motion. During those spells, I could almost sense how the next play would develop and where the next shot would be taken."- Bill Russell, Second Wind.

The Power of Gentleness

By forcing and striving, we might get the job done, but at the same time we spend much more energy than necessary and possibly suffer from collateral damage. On the other hand, someone in a state of flow approaches a task intelligently, knowing when to act and when not to, and finds a balance between action and non-action. 

It's a matter of not too hot, not too cold. It's the golden path between anxiety and boredom. We are encouraged to be ambitious, to take control and to strive. Meanwhile many people suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, and sleep disorders. 

Are we burning ourselves out? We look down on passivity, and often mistake it for laziness. But these are different things. When we look at nature, "doing nothing" makes way more sense than we tend to think. Results do not equal the amount of energy we spend. Results are the consequence of a series of actions. 

How does Taoism Pictures Itself?

Taoism compares life to a river. The river already has a course or several courses, and once we find ourselves in that river, we can swim against the current, we can hold on to a branch or we can let go and go along with the stream.

Most of our lives, we swim against the current and we don't even realize it. Our mind believes that it can and should control the environment, in order to survive, which is kind of egocentric because the vast majority of processes which as well as outside ourselves are not in our control. When we flow along with the current, we align ourselves with this natural course. This is the path of least resistance, it gives nature a chance to unfold, without us resisting it. 

Another aspect of the river that characterizes Taoism, is the water itself. The characteristics of water are softness and humility that basically symbolize Taoist virtue.

"The supreme good is like water, which benefits all of creation without trying to compete with it. It gathers in unpopular places. Thus it is like the Tao"- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 8.

Water may be soft, but it overcomes hardness which we can see in the erosion of rock. And water not only seeks the lower places, it also has no purpose, no goal, no specific desire. Yet, it nourishes everything that it passes. It's an incredible life force, that literally does God's work, but without any ambition. 

"Water is the softest and most yielding substance. Yet nothing is better than water, for overcoming the hard and rigid, because nothing can compete with it."- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 78.

What We've learned

Instead of worrying about the future, focusing on what's in the present. No matter if you're completely immersed in sports, writing, a video game, or dancing. When you're in a state of flow, you forget the results, the pressure, the anxieties about the future, the failings at the past. It's just you, and the task at hand. You're completely in the present. And the only way to do this, is by letting go

Letting go means stop swimming against the current, stop holding on to some branches. It means letting go of the past, letting go of the future, focus on this moment entirely, and just live it, without hesitation.

Yes, I did summarize the whole thing and I didn't copy any words from other websites.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Perbedaan Simplified Chinese dan Traditional Chinese


Perbedaan Simplified Chinese dan Traditional Chinese

Ketika orang - orang mulai belajar bahasa Mandarin, pertanyaan yang sering muncul adalah: apa perbedaan antara traditional Chinese dan simplified Chinese? Dan manakah yang harus dipelajari? Di dalam postingan ini, kita akan menelusuri beberapa perbedaan umum di antara kedua sistem penulisan ini dan memberikanmu beberapa ide untuk memilih mana yang tepat bagi anda. 

1. Di mana Mereka  Digunakan?

Sekarang, simplified Chinese secara resmi digunakan di mainland China, Singapore, dan Malaysia. Traditional Chinese digunakan di Taiwan, Hong Kong, dan Macau.

Pada awalnya, traditional Chinese merupakan bahasa standard di wilayah yang berbahasa Mandarin. Beberapa mengatakan, karakter hanzi disederhanakan untuk memudahkan membaca. Bentuk sederhana karakter - karakter tersebut juga pernah muncul di dokumen dari dinasti Qin. Namun, sebagian besar karakter yang digunakan sekarang mulai dikembangkan di tahun 1950an sampai 1960an oleh pemerintah dari People's Republic of China. Pemerintah mengimplementasikan sistem resmi simplified Chinese, dengan harapan untuk membantu meningkatkan literasi masyarakat China.

2. Bentuk dari Karakter

Perbedaan yang paling nampak antara traditional Chinese dan simplified Chinese adalah bentuk dari karakter hanzi. Karakter tradisional lebih rumit dan memiliki banyak garis, sedangkan untuk simplified, seperti namanya, lebih sederhana dan memiliki sedikit garis.

Seperti yang telah dibahas, semua karakter hanzi awalnya sama, jadi beberapa karakter ada yang diubah, dan beberapa lainnya tetap digunakan. Hal ini dikarenakan karakter - karakter sudah cukup sederhana, sehingga tidak perlu untuk diubah bentuknya.

Berikut adalah contoh karakter yang sama di traditional Chinese dan simplified Chinese:

Meskipun beberapa karakter seperti berikut ini sama di kedua sistem penulisan, simplified Chinese mengganti banyak karakter untuk memudahkan mereka dalam membaca dan menulis. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menyederhanakan radikal tertentu atau komponen yang membentuk karakter hanzi.

Cobalah lihat karakter berikut:

Seperti yang anda lihat, semua kata, radikal 言 di karakter traditional menjadi 讠di bentuk simplified tiap karakter. Perubahan sistematik ini membantu anda dalam mengenali dan mempelajari karakter dari sistem yang lain.

Namun, bukan berarti semua karakter itu sederhana. Ada ratusan karakter simplified Chinese yang bisa dikatakan berbeda dari traditional Chinese. Bahkan, banyak karakter yang sangat berbeda sampai - sampai orang yang mampu membaca dan menulis traditional Chinese dengan fasih harus menghafalkan karakter versi simplified.

3. Jumlah Karakter

Selain menyederhanakan karakter secara individu, simplified Chinese juga menggunakan sedikit karakter secara total. Simplified Chinese sering menggunakan satu karakter yang mewakili kata yang berarti berbeda namun sama dalam pengucapan. Di traditional Chinese, setiap kata mempunyai karakternya masing - masing.
Berikut adalah contohnya :

Friday, August 6, 2021

Calisthenics vs Weights ( Which is better? )

 Calisthenics vs Weights ( Which is better? )

What is Calisthenics?

Calisthenics or Callisthenics is a form of strength training consisting of a variety of movements that exercise large muscle groups ( gross motor movements ), such as standing, grasping, pushing, etc. These exercise are often performed rhythmically and with minimal equipment, as bodyweight exercise

What is Weights?

Weights is the synonym for "Bodybuilding". Weights is the use of progressive resistance exercise to control and develop one's muscles ( muscle building ) by muscle hypertrophy for aesthetic purposes. It is distinct from similar activities such as powerlifting because it focuses on physical appearance instead of strength. An individual who is engaged of this activity is is referred to as bodybuilder.

Which is better?

Although weightlifting and calisthenics are both forms of strength training. they yield different results. The best choice ultimately depends on your fitness goals. 

Benefits of Calisthenics 

1. Affordable and convenient 

Calisthenics primarily uses your bodyweight for the exercise, thus it can be done without any equipments.

2. Uses multiple muscle groups at once

A major benefit of calisthenics is that it involves compound exercises. This means it uses multiple muscle groups at once. It requires a high amount of movement, allowing you to burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. 

3. Improves flexibility, balance, and more

Calisthenics can improve :
  • Coordination
  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Endurance

Benefits of Weightlifting

1. Easy to progress 

Compared to calisthenics, progressing your effort is more straightforward. For instance, you can simply use heavier dumbbell to make your workout harder ( be sure not to push yourself too hard though! ).

2. Can isolate specific muscle groups 

Performing an isolated exercises is easier when weightlifting. These movements use just one primary muscle group, which works against all the resistance. This concentrated load can make it easier to increase the size of specific muscle groups. 

For Building Strength 

If you want to build strength, weightlifting is the way to go in long run. 

Using external weight makes it easier to overload muscle groups, promoting tiny tears in the muscle that stimulate repair. The result is muscle growth, or hypertrophy, which increases muscle strength.

That’s not to say calisthenics doesn’t make you strong. The dynamic, compound movement of calisthenics requires a great deal of strength. Plus, with the right technique, you can add enough resistance to increase muscle size and strength.

For Burning Calories 

Calisthenics is better for burning calories, which in turn may help you lose weight and body fat. That’s because it uses a lot of movement. This requires more energy, which your body gets by burning calories. The more calories you burn, the more weight you lose.

Calisthenics can also be used in more vigorous workouts, like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or circuit training. This can add even more movement and further increase your caloric burn.

The isolated movements of weightlifting don’t require as much energy. Yet, it’s worth noting that it will still contribute to overall weight loss. Building muscle increases your basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories you burn at rest.

Key Takeaway 

If you’re stuck between calisthenics vs. weightlifting, consider your goals and workout style. Calisthenics uses your bodyweight and involves compound exercises. It requires a lot of movement, making it better for losing weight and defining your muscles.

With weightlifting, you use external weights like dumbbells. It involves isolated exercises that increase the size of a muscle group. When done regularly, weightlifting is best for building strength and muscle size.

Both techniques are excellent forms of strength training. If you’d like to combine them, try doing calisthenics and weightlifting on the same day or on alternative days.